The Organization Client Portal automatically brings you to the Summary tab.
This page displays the following:
- tiles containing essential information about your organization’s multi-user licenses and subscriptions for Antidote Web and the Antidote Maintenance Program (AMP)
- buttons to extend an Antidote Web subscription or renew the AMP (requests a quote)
- a list of your Antidote multi-user licenses and subscriptions
- helpful documentation links

List of products and services

If you have more than one multi-user license or subscription, click on the greyed-out No description to add a short text in order to indicate the administrative unit linked to the license, for example.
Actions button
For each license, you have an actions button button (⋮) (A). Click on it to Download software, Renew the AMP, Add workstations or View agreements governing them.
For a subscription, the button allows you to Manage users or View agreement.
Accessing the Organization Client Portal