Reformulation Mode With subscription
Equalize With subscription

The Equalize view provides suggestions for reformulating your writing in French that are more inclusive because they don’t use the generic masculine form nor rely on traditionally gendered nouns. When generating reformulations, Antidote follows the recommendations set out in its own guides and uses the widest possible range of approaches to inclusivity:
- Gender-neutral nouns (les experts > les spécialistes);
- Gender-neutral determiners (certains membres > quelques membres);
- Gender-neutral plural forms (un élève > des élèves);
- Collective nouns (les employées > le personnel);
- Gender-invariant nouns (les acteurs du dossier > les parties impliquées dans le dossier);
- Rephrasing that removes the need for gender agreement (Nous sommes fières de… > C’est avec fierté que…);
- Doublets (le bénéficiaire > la ou le bénéficiaire);
- etc.
- Antidote does not use the abbreviated doublet in its reformulation suggestions, as it is not suited to all text types.
- When results are available, a blue dot appears beside the view in the navigation bar.
Multiple Reformulations
Because there are many ways to make language more gender inclusive, Antidote usually offers several options for reformulating a given passage. Where appropriate, a tooltip displays the most relevant first, accounting for the number and nature of the proposed changes. You can compare different suggestions and make your choice by clicking the chevrons on either side of the active reformulation or the grey dots beneath it.
Gender Neutrality Filter (Style view)

The Equalize view is linked to Correction mode’s Style view, which also offers suggestions for rewording flagged passages. If you’re revising a sentence using the Gender neutrality filter and would like to reformulate it more broadly, click the magic flask icon () in the tooltip to switch over to Reformulation mode, where you can choose from additional options.
- See also Gender Neutrality in the Style View section.