
Individuals Organizations

Get the Latest Edition of Antidote

Still using an earlier edition of the software? Take advantage of your upgrade privileges and get a discount!

Option 1 – Upgrade to Antidote+

for any computer, tablet or smartphone

See our family packages

Antidote+ Personal

one language

the 1st year
(Instead of $59.95 the 1st year
or $48 upon renewal)
One-year subscription
for 1 user
to all three
applications in the product line
  • English or French corrector, dictionaries and guides

Antidote+ Personal

English and French

the 1st year
(Instead of $89.95 the 1st year
or $72 upon renewal)
One-year subscription
for 1 user
to all three
applications in the product line
  • English and French corrector, dictionaries and guides
  • Translations for 2.7 million words and expressions

Antidote+ Family

one language

the 1st year
(Instead of $99.95 the 1st year
or $80 upon renewal)
One-year subscription
for 5 users
to all three
applications in the product line
  • English or French corrector, dictionaries and guides
  • Up to 5 family members all living under the same roof
  • No email needed for additional users; ideal for children

Antidote+ Family

English and French

the 1st year
(Instead of $149.95 the 1st year
or $120 upon renewal)
One-year subscription
for 5 users
to all three
applications in the product line
  • English and French corrector, dictionaries and guides
  • Translations for 2.7 million words and expressions
  • Up to 5 family members all living under the same roof
  • No email needed for additional users; ideal for children

Antidote+ Subscription Features

Exclusive Benefits of Subscribing to Antidote+

Three Applications

Access the entire product line: Antidote 12, Antidote Web and Antidote Mobile.

Correct Your Text on Any Device

Remedy your writing from any computer, tablet or smartphone, including Android and Chromebook.


Get smart solutions for reshaping your writing that stay true to your ideas.

Audio Pronunciation

Hear words and expressions pronounced with accents from London and Toronto (Montreal and Paris in French).


Synchronize your data and settings across the three applications and all your devices.

Expanded Linguistic Content

Discover new words and guides, and benefit from ongoing improvements to the corrector.

Updates and Upgrades

Receive updates and upgrades at no extra cost.

Technical Support

Find the support you need to get the most out of your Antidote+ subscription.


  • These offers are for individuals only. Otherwise, see our solutions for organizations.
  • If you’re using an older operating system or word processor, first check that it’s compatible with Antidote.
  • Prices are in Canadian dollars, plus taxes where applicable.

Option 2 – Upgrade to the twelfth edition of Antidote

for Windows and Mac only

Careful! Reformulation requires extensive computing resources that are just not available on personal computers. Like audio pronunciation and synchronization, it can only be run on Druide’s servers. As a result, these features cannot be included in the perpetual license. To enjoy access to reformulation, audio pronunciation and synchronization, subscribe to Antidote+.


1 user

Antidote 12 perpetual license

Features not included:

  • Reformulation
  • Audio pronunciation
  • Synchronization

Starting at $89


Upgrade for English or French.
For a small extra charge, Antidote handles both languages together.

  • Prices are valid until December 31, 2025.
  • This offer applies to individual licenses. For multi-user licenses, see our solutions for organizations.
  • The following Antidote editions are admissible: 96, 98, 2000, MP, Prisme, RX, HD, 8, 9, 10 and 11.
  • By exercising your upgrade privileges, you waive all rights to use and install your previous Antidote.
  • Haven’t updated your operating system or writing software in a while? Check to make sure they’re compatible with Antidote 12 or Antidote+ before completing the upgrade.
  • Antidote 12 no longer displays the small illustrations from the Visuel nano since its editor, Québec Amérique, considers them to be obsolete. However, if you purchased the Visuel intégré, it will work with an Antidote 12 perpetual license.
  • Prices are in American dollars, plus taxes where applicable.

Only VISA, MASTERCARD and EUROCARD credit cards are accepted in the Antidote Store.

For your safety, browsing and exchange of information are protected by the powerful SSL encryption technology.

Upgrade to Antidote+ and Get Two Free Novels!
French-language digital download (ePub, PDF)
Claire Bergeron
Sur les ruines de sa vie
Amos, 1929. Par une froide nuit de janvier, l’immeuble d’Aubert de La Durantaye, abritant trois logements et son cabinet de dentiste, est la proie des flammes. Atterrée, la foule ne peut que constater que trois personnes, dont l’assistante du docteur et son fils, n’ont pas pu fuir le brasier. Quand il apprend la terrible nouvelle, Aubert, de passage à Québec pour les funérailles de son beau-père, s’écroule, tandis que son épouse, Euphrosine, demeure de marbre. Quelle insolite voie du destin a réuni ces deux êtres aux antipodes l’un de l’autre ? Aubert est chaleureux, avide d’amour et de liberté, alors qu’Euphrosine est froide, narcissique, et vit uniquement pour parader sa fascinante beauté dans les salons huppés de la ville de Québec. D’évidence, de lourds secrets se cachent dans l’ombre de leur intimité…
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Catherine Lafrance
L’étonnante mémoire des glaces
Une enquête de Michel Duquesne
La pluie verglaçante est tombée toute la nuit. Montréal ressemble à une patinoire. Dans la salle de rédaction à moitié vide d’un quotidien, où trainent encore des guirlandes de Noël, des reporters rentrent lentement au travail, tandis qu’à Saint-Albert-sur-le-Lac, village aux allures de carte postale niché au cœur des Cantons-de-l’Est, on constate les conséquences tragiques d’un incendie. Le journaliste Michel Duquesne est dépêché sur place. Une révélation étonnante, puis des traces emprisonnées dans la glace vont l’amener sur une piste qui l’exposera à des dangers insoupçonnés, tout en réveillant en lui des monstres de son enfance. Au grand dam de ses patrons, Duquesne n’en fera qu’à sa tête pour aller au fond de cette affaire.
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