Words and definitions
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Next, choose the category of words that will appear in a series on your screen:
- New entries: Discover a selection of recent additions to the dictionaries, very recent (since last update) and fairly recent (since the publication of the current edition).
- Frequent words: Scroll through words with a high relative frequency.
- Rare words: Discover words with a low relative frequency.
- Countries: Discover countries near and far.
- Cities: Explore cities and locations throughout the world, from the comfort of your screen .
- World Heritage: Discover sites included on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
- People: Get to know new people, both real and fictional.
- Favourites: Study your favourite words, in a random order or not (choose in the options ).
- My word lists: Study words that have been added to your personal lists, in a random order or not (choose in the options ).
Words you have discovered are automatically added to your history in the dictionaries, which can be found under Discoveries.
Etymological notes and proverbs
To discover the etymological notes or proverbs in Antidote, select the corresponding option in the list of the Discoveries section.