Correct Your First Text With Antidote Web

The quickest way to use Antidote for the first time is through its cloud edition. With no installation and minimal configuration, Antidote Web awaits your first text. Start using it now to correct your next email, for example. Here’s how!
1. Login

Open a browser window and go to Make sure to add this address to your favourites for next time!
Enter your Druide ID and your password, or use one of the single sign-on services (Microsoft, Google, Apple or Facebook).
2. Configuration
Follow the instructions to choose your initial settings. These choices will only have to be made on your first login. They help the corrector adapt its diagnostics to your knowledge of the language. They can be modified at any time.
The screen titled Connectors allows you to download and add the elements necessary for integrating Antidote with other applications. This important step can be done now or later (see our article on integrating Antidote with Word). To access the corrector right away, click Continue.
3. Text Input
Type or paste your text in the central corrector window. Antidote Web will analyze it immediately.
4. Correction
Go through each of the corrector’s detections. The list of errors, alerts and other things that require your attention are displayed in the right-hand panel. Click on an item in this list or directly on the underlined word in the text to bring up the tooltip and its explanations.
Then click on the command of your choice to process the detection (e.g., correct, ignore, edit ...).
If you wish, you can also correct typography and style by clicking on the corresponding panel. The colored circle indicates the number of detections collected by the corrector in each panel.
5. Copy-paste
Copy the corrected text by clicking on the icon showing two sheets of paper in the toolbar at the top of the window. You can then paste it where you wish.
Can we avoid copy-paste?
Yes! With its smart connectors, Antidote Web can interact with your browser and your applications. Start by installing the appropriate connector for your browser (click for instructions): Google Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge or Safari. With it, your corrections in Antidote Web will be applied directly to your written texts online.
Connectors are also available for your local applications. See our article on Antidote integration with Microsoft Word for more information.
Now that you have taken your first steps, you will quickly get a taste for Antidote’s corrector! This is the fastest way to try the corrector, but there is still so much to discover! We invite you to explore the interface and to browse our abundantly illustrated User Guide.
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