Antidote Web Quick Start Guide

Quick Start Guide / Text Correction

Text Correction

Correct text from a browser on your computer, tablet or phone by simply typing or pasting it into the corrector’s central panel. Review the detections and explore different aspects of the text with this web application’s various features.

On a regular screen

On a small screen

  1. Type or paste text in the central panel. Antidote Web will analyze it automatically.
  2. Click a detection in the list displayed in the right-hand panel to locate it in the text. This panel provides an overview of the corrector’s analysis.
  3. Look over the detections under Antidote’s Language view first; the corrector’s different analyses are presented under six views on the horizontal navigation toolbar. A coloured dot appears on the Language, Typography and Style views as soon as a detection is made. The other views (Revision, Statistics and Inspection) let you explore a text from different angles.
  4. Correct the text by reviewing each detection. Click an underlined word or passage and a tooltip appears to provide an explanation. Then click the action you would like to take to handle the detection (e.g., correct, ignore, edit). For more information, see the Handling a Detection section of Antidote 12’s User Guide.
  5. Click the copy icon () in the toolbar at the top of the screen, then paste your text into another application.
  6. Click the new document icon () when you want to start over with a new text or to retrieve a recently analyzed text.

    Tip — If your connection is lost while you are correcting a text, you can recover the most recently saved version this way.

  1. Type or paste text in the main panel. Antidote Web will analyze it automatically.
  2. Display the list of detections by tapping the icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen (2a). This will provide an overview of the corrector’s analysis. Select any detection (2b) to locate it in the text.


  1. Review the text using the functions under each of the four tabs: Language (3a), Typography (3b), Style (3c) and the  symbol (3d), which opens the Statistics, Revision and Inspection views. Detections for the Language view are displayed first. A coloured dot appears on a tab as soon as a detection is made.

  1. Correct the text by reviewing each detection. Tap an underlined word or passage (4a) and a banner appears at the bottom of the screen to provide an explanation. Tap the action you would like to take to handle the detection (4b). For more information, see the Handling a Detection section of Antidote 12’s User Guide.

  1. Tap the copy icon () in the toolbar at the top of the screen, then paste the text into another application.

  1. Tap the new document icon () when you want to start over with a new text or to retrieve a recently analyzed text.

    Tip — If your connection is lost while you are correcting a text, you can recover the most recently saved version this way.

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